DJ Gates & DJ Dat Dat Dat Presents VaVichi Vibes Vol. 2 Hosted By Nesha Da Voice
Fleet Dj's own The Harlem Young Gun DJ Gates & DJ Dat Dat Dat bring you the Much Anticipated R&B Mixtape VaVichi Vibes Vol. 2 Hosted By the talented Nesha Da Voice. This compilation contains music from some of the hottest R&B artist out right now including Trey Songs, Usher, Jeremih, Fatt Sosa, Ty Dolla Sign, D Swint, Alexis Jones, Tory Lanez, Kakeyjah and Nesha Da Voice along with a host of others. Preview the mix here, and get free download of full mix with any purchase of VaVichi Premium Garments.
"Dress with Distinction" VaVichi Royalty
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